Vasily Klyukin has designed the Asian Cobra Tower, an amazing architectural concept for any towers in Eastern cities that is inspired by cobra - the symbol of wisdom and eternal life in Asia.

Architectural concept inspired by cobra for Asian towers

Project's description: Tourists, fascinated, would look at this immense cobra, its jaws serving a terrace would be a restaurant or a night club and its body could contain offices or apartments.

Architectural concept inspired by cobra for Asian towers

Snakes and dragons are custodians of threshold, temples, treasure, esoteric knowledge and all lunar gods. If this skyscraper is built in a city this city will become eternal in its resurrections.

Architectural concept inspired by cobra for Asian towers

The diamond-shaped pattern on the back of the snake is the symbol of Yang and Yin, duality and reunification of the Sun and the Moon, male and female principles, conciliation of opposites, and androgyny.

Architectural concept inspired by cobra for Asian towers

Snakes change their skin, as this skyscraper can change its coloring.

Architectural concept inspired by cobra for Asian towers

Architectural concept inspired by cobra for Asian towers

Architectural concept inspired by cobra for Asian towers

Architectural concept inspired by cobra for Asian towers

Architectural concept inspired by cobra for Asian towers

Architectural concept inspired by cobra for Asian towers

Architectural concept inspired by cobra for Asian towers

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Architectural concept inspired by cobra for Asian towers

Vasily Klyukin has designed the Asian Cobra Tower, an amazing architectural concept for any towers in Eastern cities that is inspired by cobra...

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