The new School of Science and Sport for Brighton College, designed by OMA / Ellen van Loon, was inaugurated in an official ceremony by Sir Nicholas Soames on January 9 in the presence of Simon Smits, the Dutch ambassador to the UK, Headmaster Richard Cairns, and Ellen van Loon.

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Killian O'Sullivan

Architect: OMA
Client: Brighton College
Location: Eastern Rd, Brighton BN2 OAL, United Kingdom
Year: 2020
GFA: 7,425 sq.m.
Partner: Ellen van Loon
Project Director: Carol Patterson

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Laurian Ghinitoiu

From the architect: The School of Science and Sports at Brighton College defies the conventional character of educational buildings – one of endless empty hallways and imposed silence – and instead combines the two departments to create a vibrant building with lively spaces where activities are not necessarily dictated by a school timetable. Observing that processes of learning take place outside as much as inside of the classroom, the design articulates a new idea of educational space bolstering interaction and exchange. 

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Laurian Ghinitoiu

Why isolate the department of Science from the department of Sports? Instead, the two are merged into one linear volume, situated at the edge of the playing field. Primary sporting spaces are on level with the field, and the sports hall opens directly onto it. The Science department, which include classrooms, laboratories and a green house, spans over the sporting spaces like a skeletal bridge. The façades are inspired in part by the regular rhythm of the terraced housing opposite the new building. The rooftop provides a sweeping view of the North Sea.

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Laurian Ghinitoiu

Stimulating social communications between the students was central in the concept: generous and open break-out space outside of the classrooms create room for informal interaction and private studying. Level shifts, grand staircases and glass visually connect the activities taking place in both departments and trigger unexpected exchanges between different disciplines. Individual components of the building are exposed to each other: an indoor running track on the ground floor is visible from upper levels, classrooms have floor to ceiling windows, even fume hoods in the chemistry classrooms are made transparent – enabling people walking down the hallway to witness ongoing experiments. 

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Image © Liz Finlayson-Vervate

OMA was awarded the project after a competition organized in 2013, when Brighton College needed to expand the Science School in terms of number of labs, and wanted a state-of-the-art sporting facility to foster talent and physical wellbeing. In the original competition brief the Sports Center and Science Department were presented as two separate projects. After a revised brief in 2013, and a second competition phase in 2014, planning approval was acquired in 2015 and construction started in 2017. The project was realized with a total construction budget of £36,700,000. 

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Laurian Ghinitoiu

Established in 1845, Brighton College is a private, co-ed boarding and day school in Brighton, England, and over the years has cemented its reputation as one of Britain's leading schools. The campus is comprised of two areas: a historical quadrangle, composed of Grade II listed buildings designed by Sir Gilbert Scott and Sir Thomas Jackson in the 19th century; and the playing field lined with buildings from the 1970s and 1980s, the site of the new building.

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Killian O'Sullivan

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Killian O'Sullivan

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Killian O'Sullivan

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Killian O'Sullivan

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Killian O'Sullivan

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Image © Liz Finlayson-Vervate


Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Laurian Ghinitoiu

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Killian O'Sullivan

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Killian O'Sullivan

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Killian O'Sullivan

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Laurian Ghinitoiu

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Laurian Ghinitoiu

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Laurian Ghinitoiu

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Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Laurian Ghinitoiu

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Laurian Ghinitoiu

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Laurian Ghinitoiu

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Image © Liz Finlayson-Vervate

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Killian O'Sullivan

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Killian O'Sullivan

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Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Killian O'Sullivan

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Killian O'Sullivan

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Killian O'Sullivan

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Killian O'Sullivan

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Killian O'Sullivan

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Killian O'Sullivan

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Killian O'Sullivan

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Killian O'Sullivan

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Image by OMA

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Laurian Ghinitoiu

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Laurian Ghinitoiu

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Laurian Ghinitoiu

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Laurian Ghinitoiu

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
Copyright OMA, Image by Laurian Ghinitoiu

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon
​Copyright OMA, Image by Laurian Ghinitoiu

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon

Brighton College School of Science and Sport by OMA / Ellen van Loon

The new School of Science and Sport for Brighton College, designed by OMA / Ellen van Loon, was inaugurated in an official ceremony by Sir Nicholas Soames on January 9...

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