Napoles is a 130sqm apartment in the center of Barcelona that was renovated by Bloomint to create a welcoming flat for visitors from around the world to visit Barcelona.

130m2 apartment renovation by Boomint

Architect: Bloomint
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Year: 2016

130m2 apartment renovation by Boomint

Project's description: The apartment was in a very bad state when Hana, a young Egyptian artist bought it. We did a total renovation, tore down the bathrooms, the kitchen, a few walls, we opened the space to light, we kept what was precious from the past such as the original flooring, we discovered the typical catalan brick arches under suspended ceilings that we had restored. In a matter of 6 months the Flat was totally transformed into a beautiful 4 room, 3 bathroom, 2 patio apartment ready to welcome tourists to visit Barcelona.

130m2 apartment renovation by Boomint

130m2 apartment renovation by Boomint

130m2 apartment renovation by Boomint

130m2 apartment renovation by Boomint

130m2 apartment renovation by Boomint

130m2 apartment renovation by Boomint

130m2 apartment renovation by Boomint

130m2 apartment renovation by Boomint

130m2 apartment renovation by Boomint

130m2 apartment renovation by Boomint

Modern apartment renovation by Maayan Zusman
Apartment renovation by EO Arquitectura

130m2 apartment renovation by Bloomint

Napoles is a 130sqm apartment in the center of Barcelona that was renovated by Bloomint to create a welcoming flat for visitors from around the world to visit Barcelona

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