Dune House by Ramón Esteve Estudio | A Contemporary Take on Mediterranean Architecture

Dune House by Ramón Esteve Estudio | A Contemporary Take on Mediterranean Architecture

This house is the result of adding the patterns of Mediterranean architecture from a contemporary, abstract point of view: Mediterranean luminosity and warmth through the conceptualization and language of Ramón Esteve Estudio...

HISPA by c.dd | A Spiritual Parallel World

HISPA by c.dd | A Spiritual Parallel World

The design concept of HISPA is inspired by The Garden of Forking Paths, a story by Jorge Luis Borges. The concept of forking paths and time travel into the design of a spa, creating a gateway to time and space in the bustling city...

Cai Yuanpei Square and Jiemin Library by UAD

Cai Yuanpei Square and Jiemin Library by UAD

The design concept of this project, interpreting the tradition to reconstruct the present, helps to retain a real past when establishing an authentic present integrated with different meanings...

Everchild Residence by Sim-Plex Design Studio

Everchild Residence by Sim-Plex Design Studio

Sim-Plex combines the concept of childhood with detailed design, integrating religious spatial elements, considerations for children's safety and storage with functionalities to create a warm and joyful living space for the homeowner and children...

Bamboo Box by CUN DESIGN | Modern villa with aesthetic of moutain and bamboo

Bamboo Box by CUN DESIGN | Modern villa with aesthetic of moutain and bamboo

The project successfully integrates the aesthetic concept of living in mountain and bamboo into modern villa life, creating a residence that blends classical charm and modern comfort...

First phase of Larnaka masterplan by Foster + Partners commences

First phase of Larnaka masterplan by Foster + Partners commences

Foster + Partners is working alongside Lefkaritis Group, developer bbf: and UDS Architects to commence the building design work for the initial phase of the Land of Tomorrow masterplan...

ICCF Garden in Shanghai's Hengfu District by gmp Architekten

ICCF Garden in Shanghai's Hengfu District by gmp Architekten

Nestled in a lush garden in Shanghai's historic Hengfu district, a new retail facility with an innovative concept for fashionistas and casual passers-by has been created...

WHAT-IF: Nederland 2100 by MVRDV

WHAT-IF: Nederland 2100 by MVRDV

What happens if the Netherlands ends up underwater? With "WHAT-IF: NL 2100", MVRDV gives shape to 21st-century dilemmas...

Z6 Tower by Foster + Partners becomes the first certified net-zero operational carbon high-rise in China

Z6 Tower by Foster + Partners becomes the first certified net-zero operational carbon high-rise in China

Located at the heart of Beijing's Central Business District, the Z6 tower has successfully passed the 'Net Zero Carbon Building Evaluation System,' becoming the first high-rise office building in China to be awarded 'Net Zero Carbon Outstanding' certification...