Minimalist duplex apartment blends past, present and future | Experience Timeless Harmony

Minimalist duplex apartment blends past, present and future | Experience Timeless Harmony

This minimalist duplex apartment marks a new chapter in Right Angle Studio's design journey. It harmoniously blends elements of the past, present, and future into a cohesive spatial experience...

Landmarked Chelsea Minimal Transformation by Rauch Architecture

Landmarked Chelsea Minimal Transformation by Rauch Architecture

Located on a historic block in one of the NYC's earliest planned landmarked neighborhoods, Chelsea, this renovation involved the combination of two units into a duplex apartment inside an 1830s Greek Revival brownstone...

M11 by MINIMO - 70sqm duplex apartment renovation

M11 by MINIMO - 70sqm duplex apartment renovation

M011 is the complete renovation of a 70m2 duplex located in the neighbourhood of Arturo Soria, Madrid...

Duplex Apartment of Yanlord Marina Center by T.K. Chu Design

Duplex Apartment of Yanlord Marina Center by T.K. Chu Design

T.K. Chu Design was engaged in the interior design of a duplex apartment on the top floor of Yanlord Marina Center...

POLITICKÝCH VĚZŇŮ: Duplex apartment in Prague by OOOOX

POLITICKÝCH VĚZŇŮ: Duplex apartment in Prague by OOOOX

The duplex apartment in the historical centre is a result of merging two flats one above the other...

Under the roof by Florent Chagny Architecture

Under the roof by Florent Chagny Architecture

The Under the roof project is a complete duplex apartment renovation by french architect Florent Chagny, located in Paris between the Pantheon and the Jardin des Plantes.

Two private apartments in Paris by aavp architecture

Two private apartments in Paris by aavp architecture

The architect Vincent Parreira renovated an old 19th century photography studio into two duplex apartments with the upper level under a contemporary glazing

De Waterkant luxury penthouse in Cape Town

De Waterkant luxury penthouse in Cape Town

Located in De Waterkant, Cape Town. This luxury penthouse was transformed from a duplex apartment to create a sanctuary for these city slickers and combining contemporary living

Scandinavian attic with glass floor in Sweden

Scandinavian attic with glass floor in Sweden

The most amazing thing of this Scandinavian attic is a glass floor above the main entrance helps natural lights flow through large windows to heating 2 floors