Vaucluse Residence by Studio Minosa

Vaucluse Residence by Studio Minosa

From the very outset, Studio Minosa embraced the design challenge of seamlessly integrating our work into this architectural masterpiece by Peter Stutchbury...

House Caroline by Reign Architects

House Caroline by Reign Architects

House Caroline emerges as a contemporary A-framed addition to a historic 1850s Victorian home. What was once a partitioned, dim residence has been transformed into an open, warm, and brilliantly illuminated sanctuary for a growing family...

Boundless Residence by c.dd | Envisioning a boundless life in nature

Boundless Residence by c.dd | Envisioning a boundless life in nature

The project is nestled beside Green Island Lake, a 1,500-mu (approximately 100-hectare) ecological gem in the heart of Foshan City, Guangdong, China...

Ponte House by TETRO | Harmonious Coastal Residence on Cacupé Sea with Bridge and Stone Accents

Ponte House by TETRO | Harmonious Coastal Residence on Cacupé Sea with Bridge and Stone Accents

Ponte House's carefully planned alignment towards the west offers a privileged view of the continental sea and the majestic mountains of the Serra Catarinense. This positioning not only takes advantage...

Pioneer Ranch by Farmer Payne Architects | Discover Rustic Charm and Contemporary Elegance

Pioneer Ranch by Farmer Payne Architects | Discover Rustic Charm and Contemporary Elegance

Nestled in picturesque Sun Valley, this residence is a testament to the seamless integration of rustic charm and contemporary elegance...

Everchild Residence by Sim-Plex Design Studio

Everchild Residence by Sim-Plex Design Studio

Sim-Plex combines the concept of childhood with detailed design, integrating religious spatial elements, considerations for children's safety and storage with functionalities to create a warm and joyful living space for the homeowner and children...

Bamboo Box by CUN DESIGN | Modern villa with aesthetic of moutain and bamboo

Bamboo Box by CUN DESIGN | Modern villa with aesthetic of moutain and bamboo

The project successfully integrates the aesthetic concept of living in mountain and bamboo into modern villa life, creating a residence that blends classical charm and modern comfort...

House FC by fws_work | Compact Loft Transformation

House FC by fws_work | Compact Loft Transformation

fws_work has transformed a compact loft in Taipei, Taiwan into an artist's residence, imbuing every step, every moment, and every scene with a sense of poetic essence...

Discovery Bay Home by StudioSTL

Discovery Bay Home by StudioSTL

To design a retreat from Seattle, consisting of a residence and smaller cabin, that can accommodate weekend getaways and family gatherings...