03 / 27
Although this small apartment has area of 309 sqft but it has a full list of amenities included a home theater, gym area, large kitchen, full sized bathtub, plenty of storage space, the latest smart gadgets and 3 bedrooms.
Architect: LAAB Architects
Location: Hong Kong
Area: 309 sqft
From the architects: It felt like mission impossible. It's very challenging to look at architecture that isn't static, but changes over time. Instead of living in a 309 square foot home, we wanted them to feel like they live in a 1000 square foot home.
source: CNN
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309 sqft small apartment by LAAB Architects
03 / 27 / 2016 Although this small apartment has area of 309 sqft but it has a full list of amenities included a home theater, gym area, large kitchen, full sized bathtub, plenty of storage space...You might also like:
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