Furo Hoteru by Sim-Plex Design Studio | Integration Of Tranquil Retreat With Inheritance Of Culture

Furo Hoteru by Sim-Plex Design Studio | Integration Of Tranquil Retreat With Inheritance Of Culture

This project Furo Hoteru combines the details of a hot spring retreat for cleansing the soul with the preservation of tenement buildings and the cultural tradition of ancestral worship...

Everchild Residence by Sim-Plex Design Studio

Everchild Residence by Sim-Plex Design Studio

Sim-Plex combines the concept of childhood with detailed design, integrating religious spatial elements, considerations for children's safety and storage with functionalities to create a warm and joyful living space for the homeowner and children...

King's Court by MAD Studio | 400 sqft Flat Transformation in Hong Kong

King's Court by MAD Studio | 400 sqft Flat Transformation in Hong Kong

MAD Studio has ingeniously reimagined a compact 400 sqft flat to create a stunning, functional home for a young couple passionate about cooking...

St. Kilda Micro Sanctuary by Tsai Design | 25m2 studio apartment renovation

St. Kilda Micro Sanctuary by Tsai Design | 25m2 studio apartment renovation

St Kilda Micro Sanctuary is a 25m2 studio apartment renovation. The client is a couple who spent most of their time overseas, and this is designed to be their home for 2-3 months in a year, and renting out for temporary accommodation the rest of the time...

House FC by fws_work | Compact Loft Transformation

House FC by fws_work | Compact Loft Transformation

fws_work has transformed a compact loft in Taipei, Taiwan into an artist's residence, imbuing every step, every moment, and every scene with a sense of poetic essence...

Gilay Estate by Cameron Anderson Architects

Gilay Estate by Cameron Anderson Architects

Gilay Estate is an off grid, luxury farm stay accommodation building located just outside of Quirindi on the Liverpool Plans in regional NSW...

A small penthouse in Barcelona by Brakara Studio

A small penthouse in Barcelona by Brakara Studio

A small penthouse with two terraces to enjoy the good weather and the sun in L'Hospitalet (Barcelona-Spain)...

Treasure Cuboid by Sim-Plex Design Studio

Treasure Cuboid by Sim-Plex Design Studio

Sim-Plex adopts the concept of a three-dimensional Treasure Cuboid, integrating two additional three-dimensional box-like spaces into the overall layout...

Lego Homeland by Sim-Plex Design Studio

Lego Homeland by Sim-Plex Design Studio

This project, Lego Homeland, combines the playful fun of Lego with a transparent and bright Scandinavian style...