BeachBot is an interesting idea for an autonomous robot that can create large scale sand art was conceived by Disney Research and developed by collaboration between Disney Research Zurich and student team ETH Zürich.

BeachBot - Autonomous robot create sand art

The BeachBot is 60 cm in length and 40 cm in both width and height. To provide maximal mobility and enough robustness a 3 wheel arrangement with differential drive back wheels and a steered wheel in the front is used.

BeachBot - Autonomous robot create sand art

The BeachBot carves pictures into sand with a rake consisting of seven individual movable elements actuated by servo motors. They are attached at the tail of the robot. This solution leads to great visibility of the drawn lines and to a large variety in line width, from minimal 5 cm up to the width of the robot.

BeachBot - Autonomous robot create sand art

To be able to draw precisely the BeachBot needs accurate localization. The concept consists of an laser scanner mounted on the robot plus reflective poles, marking the border of the drawing field. (Therefore the laser can create an active map of its surrounding.

BeachBot - Autonomous robot create sand art

To withstand the rough condition on the beach, the robot must be completely sealed from sand. An aluminum shell and sealing lips make sure no sand enters the interior of the BeachBot.

BeachBot - Autonomous robot create sand art

Smart software is used to transform images into sand art as well as to control the robot's movement to ensure a spectacular drawing process. To be visually appealing the industrial design students of ZHdK created an enchanting cover for the BeachBot in the shape of a turtle.

BeachBot - Autonomous robot create sand art

BeachBot - Autonomous robot create sand art

BeachBot is an interesting idea for an autonomous robot that can create large scale sand art was conceived by Disney Research

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